Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Baby G2 Bump Date

Baby G2 Bump Date

If you didn’t know, WE’RE PREGNANT!

Growing up an only child, I always knew I wanted to have more than one kid. While Sophia was a fairly easy baby, parenthood was definitely an adjustment for me and it took me a good 21 months before I was ready to start trying again. We conceived in October, surprisingly NOT on our baby-free trip to the Dominican Republic. ;) This pregnancy has been very similar symptom wise to when I was pregnant with Sophia. The biggest difference is that this one is going by so much faster since I have a toddler to chase around. As I write this, I’m in the last few weeks and I cannot believe I’m at the point where I have weekly midwife appointments. SO CRAZY!

This time around we are choosing to deliver at a birth center, called Andaluz, where we can have a little bit more control over how we want our birth to happen. Andaluz has been AMAZING with their care, covid policies, and giving us “true” informed consent. I am so looking forward to (Lord willing) having a different birth experience than I did the first time around.

Christmas 2021 was spent in Portland, at our new home, and our families came to us. On Christmas Eve, we dressed Sophia in her “Big Sister” t-shirt and waited until Colton’s parents noticed what it said. We did the same for my parents a few weeks later. They were all so excited for us to be adding another Groves to the clan.

First Trimester

Weeks: 1-12 weeks 

Baby Size:  Banana Seed (0.02 inches) to Apricot (2.09 inches) 

Baby Weight: Roughly ?? to 0.49 ounces 

Weight Gain at 12 weeks: Roughly 4 pounds (122 to 126).

Cravings: My cravings are similar to my first pregnancy: ramen noodles and savory foods like chips, mac and cheese, and lasagna. Basically anything with carbs. At this point, I preferred fruit candy/ice cream over chocolate flavored ones. Cereal was a new craving for me this time around.

Aversions: Pork roast and my beloved coffee.

Symptoms: Fatigue was my number one symptom during the first trimester, and it is fatigue like I’ve never felt outside pregnancy. The only way I can describe it is like a weight on your shoulder that doesn’t go away. I also had some morning sickness, but it was pretty mild. I think I actually threw up only 4-5 times. I’m so thankful the symptoms weren’t too bad as I don’t know how mamas go through difficult pregnancies while also taking care of a toddler.

Personally, I felt that I started showing sooner (pregnancy bloat is real!), but when I compared pictures from this pregnancy and my first, I looked pretty much the same. The other noticeable symptoms was that my skin tab in my armpit (which I got while pregnant with Sophia) doubled in size in the first few weeks. I cannot wait to get it removed after pregnancy!

Second Trimester

Weeks: 13-27 weeks 

Baby Size:  Jalapeno (2.91 inches) to Bunch of Bananas (14.4 inches) 

Baby Weight: 0.81 ounces 1.93 pounds 

Weight Gain at 27 weeks: 11 pounds in 2nd trimester, 15 pounds overall (137).

Cravings: Doritos were probably the biggest craving at this time or anything else salty.

Aversions: Coffee is now okay, but cream in my coffee is not.

Symptoms: Around week 14, I didn’t have much of any morning sickness and was feeling pretty great! With Sophia, her gender was a surprise, but with Baby G2 I wanted to find out (Found out on 2/24/2022). We sent out scratch off cards to our family and had everyone scratch them off over a Zoom call. IT’S A BOY! At 27 weeks, I experienced some intense round ligament pain on my right side, but after that week it hasn’t returned.

Feeling Baby: I started feeling little flutters at 17 weeks and more noticeable movements from the inside at 18-19 weeks. Sophia thought it was really funny when I’d quickly push my belly out and tell her baby brother kicked.

Braxton Hicks: None that I’ve noticed.

What does Sophia think: Sophia is obsessed with all things baby! She loves playing with the baby swing and inside baby brother’s crib.

Third Trimester

Weeks: 28-42 weeks  

Baby Size:  Coconut (14.8 inches) to Watermelon (20.8 inches) 

Baby Weight: 2.20 pounds to 9.26 pounds. At 35.5 weeks, Baby G2 was estimated to weigh 6 pounds 8 oz.

Weight Gain at 39 weeks: 15 pounds in 3rd trimester and 29 pounds overall (151).

Cravings: Ice, ice, and more ice! Ice in my water and ice in my coffee.

Aversions: Nothing, except I still can’t tolerate cream in my coffee.

Symptoms: I’m definitely starting to get more uncomfortable the bigger I get. I’ve had some SI joint pain and I’m getting around slower. I’ve reached the point where it is difficult to get dressed; sometimes, Colton has to tie my shoes for me. ;) I’ve also been having some numbness on my upper right abdomen, I think from the skin stretching and baby running out of room. This happened with Sophia and is probably one of my least favorite pregnancy symptoms. I’m getting on-and-off fatigue, partly due to using the bathroom multiple time a night and then not being able to fall back asleep and partly due to Sophia waking up every night. I’m not sure if this is a regression or what, but we are going on almost 3 months of nightly wake-ups with her. I’m trying to look at it as preparation for having a newborn. ;) Something that didn’t happen during my first pregnancy is sore and achy feet. By the middle of the day my feet are spent. I really hope this goes away after some of the baby weight is lost.

Baby shower: Our friends Johnathan, Laura, and Willa threw us the sweetest baby sprinkle. We got to see some of our closest friends, who are now also having 2nd babies, right alongside us. Colton’s parents and sister/husband also flew out to Portland for the celebration. We felt so loved!

Feeling Baby: Yes! I love feeling how the movements change as he gets bigger. He has been head down since around 33 weeks. I’m working on specific exercises to move him into the optimal position for birth.

Braxton Hicks: Everyday. I really started noticing them around 34-35 weeks. AT 38 weeks I started having some dull aches, which I think was my body ramping up for labor.

What does Sophia think: She still is obsessed with everything baby! Now she pretends to carry baby brother around in her hand, tells us what things are for him, and names things she wants to do with him (sit by him, sleep with him). She will kiss my belly button and pretend to give him milk. She loves rubbing lotion on my belly too. She is going to be the best big sister.

Something really fun for Sophia was seeing one of our midwives paint the position and estimated size of baby brother on my belly. It still amazes me that a baby of that size can fit in my belly.

Final Labor Preparations: Colton’s mom, Karen, arrived at 38 weeks and his dad, Danny, arrived a few days before 39 weeks. Our hope is for Karen to be present during the birth while Danny hangs out with Miss Sophia. I am eating dates, drinking raspberry leaf tea, stretching, and walking, in hopes that Baby G2 will soon make his appearance. We can’t wait to meet you little man!

Noah’s 1 Month Update

Noah’s 1 Month Update

Sophia’s 24 month Update

Sophia’s 24 month Update