Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Noah's 8 Month Update

Noah's 8 Month Update


We love seeing your personality come through more each day. You are usually so happy and giggly. Right now, you’re a major thumb sucker, especially when you need to self-soothe. You usually suck your right thumb and grab your ear with your left hand. Peek-a-boo is your favorite game to play and you just laugh and laugh. You’re just shy of 16 pounds, hate tummy time on the floor, and moving around on the floor more (not yet crawling).

Sophia was exposed to hand-foot-and mouth disease at school and she did get sick, but we aren’t sure if it was HFMD as she never got any blister spots. She did have an on-and-off low-grade fever and a cough. You got sick from her with a very runny nose and cough. It was so sad hearing you cough during the night, but you handled it so well and still slept great. I’m hoping that all your exposure to Sophia’s “school germs” builds up your immune system so when you start daycare/preschool you’re not getting as sick or sick as often.

March 8th you started the 6th leap and this one lasts 28 days. You’ve been a little bit fussier, but so far you’re acting pretty much the same. We are excited to see what skills you learn after this leap.

You’re now sitting up so well and you don’t fall backwards as much. You’re testing your limits with how far forward you can lean. Sometimes you find yourself in weird positions, which is funny, but you’re getting the hang of things. You love sitting in front of the fridge and playing with the magnets while I’m cooking or doing dishes. You really like to babble and it often sounds like dada. One night after we put you and Sophia to bed, we could hear you babbling. We then hear Sophia calling for daddy. When he went in to check on her, she told him that you were calling for dada. It was so cute.

Room-sharing has been going great. Sophia doesn’t really understand whispering while you’re asleep and often has to be loud and yell your name. You sleep right through all her talking, singing, and crying and if you do wake up, you go back to sleep without any assistance. THANK YOU!

Your first tooth has fully come in and a second one is making an appearance. You’re getting better and better at eating food, including picking up smaller pieces. We’ve started giving you water and showing you how to drink from a cup. Mostly the water dribbles down your chin, but you’re very eager to try drinking.

During the middle of the month, I went to a physical therapy appointment and forgot to feed you beforehand. Daddy gave you a bottle, but I didn’t pump, so I was very full. This led to a few clogged milk ducts that were so painful. I was trying everything to make them go away. The next day, I decided to take a hot shower and massage my breast, as I’ve heard this helps. Due to bending my neck and looking downwards for so long, I started seeing stars and ended up fainting in the shower. Thank goodness daddy was near by. All that to say, the milk ducts were unclogged within a few days. It’s never a dull moment as a parent. ;)

We’ve started introducing the bottle more and you’re still not fully sold on the idea. You’ll take it about every other time it is offered to you. We’ll get there, hopefully.

When Sophia was around 18 months, I tried to teach her how to do structured independent play. I started with 5 minutes and would encourage her to pay in her room by herself, while I sat in the corner. Some days she did great and others it didn’t work. My goal was to eventually be able to have her play in her room while I worked in the other room, but it was rough going and I eventually gave up. When she was just over 2.5 years old, Colton suggested trying again and she did so much better. She can now play by herself in her room for 30-60 minutes.

We are still working on her not coming out until quiet time is over, but so far, she is doing so well. When we first had you, I had a goal of starting quiet time earlier with you, in hopes that it wouldn’t be such a struggle later on. You’re pretty good about playing on the floor while I work next to you, so this month I put you in your crib with some toys, turned some music on, and you’re happily entertaining yourself for about 30 minutes. Sometimes Sophia will join you in the room, which I think is fun for both of you.

Portland got the most snow since 1943 and it is the 2nd most snow ever recorded here. 2.5 days of Sophia’s school were cancelled (she was sick though) and we couldn’t get out of our neighborhood since the road wasn’t plowed. We did take advantage and pulled you and Sophia on the sled.

Mid-March mommy’s friend, Elena, started babysitting you a few hours a week. It is my busy season at work so I need all the extra help I can get. You often cry if you can see me walking by, but so far things are going really well.

We did some fun activities this month. One weekend we walked from our house to the neighborhood coffee shop, boarded the Max train and rode to the library, explored the library, and rode the bus home. Sophia calls it the “city bus”. It was so much fun seeing Sophia’s face full of pure joy when riding the train and bus.

Another weekend we went to a friend’s first birthday party. Before we know it, it will be your first birthday!Mommy and Sophia went on a girl’s date to the live Paw Patrol show (thanks Beth!) and it was so fun. Most recently, we went to Play Forest, which is hands-on children’s learning center. Our friends gifted us a visit for Sophia’s birthday, so we invited them along. St. Patrick’s Day came and went and all we did was drink green smoothies for breakfast; Easter will be more fun. ;) Sophia had an art showcase at her school and her class (called the ladybug class) made an Eric Carl inspired ladybug.

The rain stopped for a few days and we got a little taste of Spring. Of course we decided to go to the park to play.

Grandma Karen visits next month and so does Grammy Penny. They are going to be so surprised at how much you’ve grown physically and developmentally.

Until next month,

Dada and Mama

Noah’s Birth Story

Noah’s Birth Story

Noah's 7 Month Update

Noah's 7 Month Update