Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Sophia's 3 Year Update

Sophia's 3 Year Update

Dear Sophia,

I’m posting this almost a year late, but better late than never, right? I decided to switch up the frequency of the updates since we now have two kids, which means a lot less time to post blogs. I say this all the time, but it is wild to look back and see how much you’ve grown in such a short period of time. We love the young girl that God is growing and shaping you into. You are kind, polite, generous, sensitive and funny and we love you so much!

Love, Mom and Dad


  • Grammy Penny and Grandpa Jim were still here from our holiday celebrations and they got to join in on your 2nd Birthday party. It was Minnie Mouse themed and we ate pizza and cupcakes. We love getting to celebrate YOU!

  • The day after your 2nd birthday we started potty training with a bang. We had a few days of focused training and you started getting the hang of it. It definitely took a few months for you to adjust, but you did so well. Later, we will work on no diapers for nap time and even later, no diapers for bed time.

  • You look so dang cute in your “Big Sister” shirt.

  • You love playing hide-and-seek around the house and playing in your crib, especially when we get in there with you.

  • Singing is your favorite thing! You’re starting to sing "Baby shark do da loo."


  • We invited two of our friends to go swimming with us; Poppie and Nyla. We had so much fun going in the lazy river and down the kiddie slide.

  • Daycare had a class Valentine’s party where you got to decorate a bag and then give and receive valentine cards. You sure are LOVED!

  • For President’s Day, we met up with Nyla at the Beach. It was cold, but you two still had a good time.

  • If we say "in a minute (or any length of time)", you count to 10 really fast, thinking that after 10 seconds, we will do whatever we said we would do.


  • We travelled to Utah for your preschool spring break and had a blast. Aside from seeing our families, the highlight was taking you to Thanksgiving Point and watching you explore.

  • You love putting on makeup with me, especially chapstick / lipstick, which you later started calling “lipstack.”

  • To be silly, you’ll makes a farting sound and say, "Daddy tooted" or "Blankie tooted" or "Doh-Doh (Jericho) tooted."

  • Two more conversations you had were: “I'm picking my booger in my carseat" and "I'm picking my booger mommy, okay."


  • We went to an Easter Egg hunt with Nyla, where you found lots of eggs and met the Easter bunny.

  • We took a weekend trip to Bend, OR and explored the city and ate great food. It was our very first family vacation that wasn’t to visit family. We hope to do a lot more family vacations in the future.

  • You slept the entire way home from Bend, and when we got home you weren’t acting like your normal self. You just wanted to snuggle up next to me. Daddy was mowing the law and you and I were sitting on the front porch steps. All the started seizing and I started freaking out. I laid you down and started yelling for help, but Daddy couldn’t hear me. Thankfully there was a neighbor across the street who heard me and rushed over. She helped me answer the 911 operator’s questions. The ambulance took us to the Adventist Hospital and then later transferred us to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital for more specialized care. We never actually got placed in a room, but had a bed out in the hallway. They reassured us that you had a febrile seizure and that you would grow out of them, if they continued to happen. We were really scared, but so grateful to God that He had you in his hands the entire time.

  • Before leaving the hospital, the nurse gave you a Build-a-Bear rabbit, which we named Faith to remind us of our Faith during this scary time. She is now one of your favorite stuffies. What an eventful day!

  • You are loving bike rides with daddy.

  • You started saying “What is that noises?” when you’re curious about a specific sound.


  • You invited me to a Muffins with Mom Mother’s Day celebration at daycare and it made me feel so special. I love being your mommy!

  • Grammy Penny came to visit and while she was here, Daddy and I took a trip to Bend, OR so Daddy could participate in Pole Pedal Paddle with his work. It was nice having a break from being a parent and you enjoyed some quality time with Grammy.

  • You and Grammy Penny went to the park many times and snuggled while watching Lucas The Spider. We love when your grandparents visit!

  • At the end of Grammy’s visit, us girls, flew to visit Grandma Joyce in Rhinelander, WI. We stayed in a cabin and unfortunately, you didn’t sleep great; this seems to be the norm for our Rhinelander trips. Every time we visit you’re going through a sleep regression or something. Thankfully, this was mild compared to prior trips.

  • This month you had playdates with Willa and Leo.

  • Toddler conversations are the BEST! **You looking at my painted toenails.**

    • You: I want some toenails.

    • Me: Go find some.

    • **You leave the bathroom to go find some toenails. A minute later, you come back crying.**

    • You: I can’t find any toenails!


  • This month we switched you to a big girl bed and you love it. It’s so nice not having to lift you in and out of the crib anymore and you don’t even get out of bed at nighttime.

  • We took you to the dentist for the first time and you did excellent! They noticed a small spot on one of your back teeth, but weren’t able to get a good enough look at it. They want to see you in six months to check again and make sure that spot isn’t a cavity.

  • The Friday of Father’s Day weekend, daycare hosted a Father’s Day lunch. You weren’t feeling the best, but still had a good time with daddy. Immediately after daddy got home and walked in the door, daycare called saying you were having a seizure. We both jumped in the car and rushed over there. We arrived in time to give you some medicine and load up in the ambulance to go to Randall Children’s Hospital. We stayed there for a few hours and then determined it was okay for us to go back home.

  • Monday after Father’s Day, I picked you up from daycare and when I parked the car at home, you were very quiet. It’s not uncommon for you to fall asleep in the car, but daycare isn’t that far away so I didn’t expect this. I went and opened your door and debated leaving you in there to sleep a bit longer, but decided it was too hot to do so. I tried to rouse you, but you wouldn’t wake up and I was starting to panic. I called daddy, at work, and he suggested I put some cold water on you. Still, after dipping your feet in cold water, you weren’t waking up. I called 911 and the EMT’s checked you out. They said you were exhibiting postictal behavior, which is the period after a seizure occurs and you return to your normal state. It is unconfirmed whether you had a seizure or not, but the odds are likely. Again, we loaded up in the ambulance and went back to Randall’s. The doctor thinks these are febrile seizures, but encouraged us to schedule an EEG, just to make sure.

  • Later this month, we were able to get you in for the EEG. You did so well while they put the electrodes on your head and laid so very still. I’m one proud mama. Praise God, they didn’t find anything, but told us to schedule a neurology appointment to go over the results. Next appointment…March 2023.

  • You love playing in the car pretending to drive the car. The only issue is when you won’t stop honking the horn. ;)

  • Our lovely friends Laura and Jonathan threw us the perfect baby shower and Grandma and Grandpa Groves, along with Auntie Shelby and Uncle Austin all flew in to attend. We felt so loved being surrounded by our friends and family.


  • Nana Chris and Papa Roger blessed us by babysitting you overnight so we could have one last kid-free evening before Noah joined our family. On your sleepover, you and Kayleigh drank hot chocolate, played with chalk, and rode in her toy truck. Apparently, you kept Kayleigh awake at night with your talking and singing.

  • On 7/4, Grandma Karen arrived in preparation for Noah’s birth and Grandpa Danny came about two weeks later.

  • While they were here, before Noah was born, we introduced you to a root beer float (you loved it); went out for ice cream; visited OMSI; and played at the park.

  • On 7/20, you became a big sister at the age of 2.5 years old. Grandpa Danny brought you to the birthing center to meet your brother and you were just smitten.

  • To celebrate Daddy’s 30th birthday, I asked his friends/family to send him a note and/or gift so he’d have at least 30 gifts to open up. We had a lot of fun watching him open 1-2 gifts a day for 30 days. We have the best people in our lives.

  • We bought you a watering can so you could help water our plants.

  • Daddy has made a habit out of praying every time we hear sirens. On 7/13, you heard sirens and said, “sirens, pray for them,” while folding your hands. So cute!


  • Grammy Penny came to visit and meet Noah for the first time. She got to see how you’re such a great big sister. While I attended to Noah, Grammy took you to Gateway Discovery Park (or as well call it, the sand park). It is one of our favorite parks.

  • We also took Grammy to see the Dinolandia exhibit and blackberry picking.

  • Noah, Daddy, and I all got MRSA staph infections, but Noah’s and Daddy’s infections were mild. Mine was next to my belly button and was extremely painful. Thankfully, you didn’t catch anything!

  • Daycare is continuing to go well. If your dirtiness at the end of the day is any indication of how much fun you’re having, I’d say you’re having a BLAST!

  • You learned to wash dishes, helped daddy give Noah his first bath, and played at the splash pad with friends.

  • I took my first solo outing with two kids and we went to the library. It was a success!


  • Grandpa Jim came to visit and we attended Oktoberfest in Mount Angel, Oregon. It was so crowded, but you were able to ride a pony and the train.

  • We continued to adjust to having Noah in our lives and kept trying to get into a good routine.

  • Our small group had a (very early) Friendsgiving celebration.

  • We don’t remember exactly when we started doing this, but every night before bed, daddy and you will practice this bedtime liturgy. Your little voice is the sweetest thing.

    • Daddy: How much does Daddy love you?

    • You: This much (while stretching your arms out).

    • Daddy: How much does God love you?

    • You: Even bigger!


  • We went to a beach house with Poppie and her family. It was so nice to get away and get to know our friends better.

  • The day after we got back from the beach, you started going to Preschool; you’re in the ladybug class and your teacher is Ms. Karen.

  • Your first preschool field trip was to a pumpkin patch and your best friend, Poppie, also went.

  • Grandma Karen came for a visit and treated us to a beach house. It was Noah’s first family vacation.

  • While Grandma Karen was still in town, we were able to dedicate Noah to The Lord at our church, with some of our other friends.

  • You got to pet some Llamas at the farm and pick out some pumpkins.

  • At some point during the fall, you kept saying the word “doagie,” which rhymes with hoagie. We could not figure out what that meant to you. A few weeks later, as we were snuggling in bed, you pulled up the covers and said, “It’s so doagie.” It was then we realized that doagie meant cozy.


  • This month we had multiple Friendsgiving celebrations: one with our old small group (Willa and Klara); One with Tio Max, where you made a friend named Maddie; and a Pie night with Poppie and other church friends.

  • Grandpa Danny came for a quick visit.

  • On Thanksgiving Day, we went to the park and flew your Cocomelon kite before Tara Lynne and Kevin came over for dinner. It was a beautiful day. Unfortunately, I spent so much time cooking and preparing the house that I felt like I missed out on spending time with our friends and family. Next year will be different.

  • The day after Thanksgiving, we decorated our Christmas tree. By the end of the holiday season, all of the ornaments were up on the top half of the tree to keep you and Noah away from them, haha!

  • You are becoming very independent when you want to be. We will do something and then you’ll get upset and say “I wanted to do that.”

  • With Noah around, we are starting to work on sharing our toys. This is a challenging skill to teach, but we are confident you’ll get it.


  • Early December, you had influenza A for an entire week and we’ve never seen you so miserable. You were either asleep in your bed or asleep on the couch. Thankfully you were much better by the time we left for Utah.

  • Since we weren’t going to be home for actual Christmas, we celebrated at our house a few weeks early. You and daddy were still a little bit sick, but we had a good time opening some presents and stockings.

  • Mid-December we flew to Utah to celebrate the holidays with our families. While in Utah, you built your first snowman; got your first haircut, with bangs; and played around the houses. As part of Grammy and Grandpa’s Christmas gift, we took them to dinner at the bowling alley and showed you how to bowl. We all had a lot of fun.

Noah's 15 Month Update

Noah's 15 Month Update

Noah's 12 Month Update

Noah's 12 Month Update