Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Anxiety Toolbox

Anxiety Toolbox

What is one of the first things you do when you realize you need to fix something on your car or in your house? If it isn't, it should be to gather all of the tools you think you will need to repair the problem. You may not use all of the tools, but it helps to have a variety of options to see what works best in that specific situation. Why should managing anxiety be any different? Today I'm sharing what I've put in my anxiety toolbox for times when I need some help returning to a calmer state of mind. I hope that these will help you to create and expand your own toolbox! If you haven't read Part 1 and Part 2 of this anxiety series, go check those out!

Coffee: I love coffee, so treating myself to a coffee drink always lifts my spirits. Supposedly caffeine can increase your anxiety, so if you are sensitive to caffeine, maybe try decaf. ;)

Distracting Myself: This is usually in the form of reading a book for pleasure or watching something on Netflix. It helps me to get my mind off of what I'm anxious about and just zone out. 

Quoting scripture:  I am working on building up a storehouse of scriptures that I can refer back to when needed. Some of my favorites include: 2 Timothy 1:7, Hebrews 13:5, and Joshua 1:9

Reading Christian Books: I have started reading a chapter in Psalms when I am feeling anxious. The Psalms is a collection of prayers, poems, and hymns. I find such comfort reading these as they are usually written from the heart of the author. There is so much vulnerability in them and I am easily able to relate. I also highly recommend the book Stronger than the Struggle by Havilah Cunnington.  She gives you a deeper look into what spiritual warfare is and how we, as Christians, have the power to defeat the devil and win every single time. Karen Kingsbury is also becoming one of my favorite Christian authors. 

Listening to Christian Music: The Lord speaks to me through worship songs, so I love being able to connect with Him through this avenue. I've started an anxiety playlist on Spotify that I'll put on when I need some uplifting music. Check out my playlist here

Making up Dance Moves: Dancing to the above worship music and making up my own dance moves really puts me in a better mood. It sounds so silly, but it gets my heart rate up and makes me happy. 

Being Vulnerable with Friends: Specifically, being vulnerable with my church friends and asking them for prayer when I need it. This has helped me tremendously as it is so encouraging knowing that somebody else is interceding on your behalf. 

Making a List: You all know I love making lists (hence this list that you’re reading ;) ). It gives me a sense of control when everything else seems to be uncontrollable. I spend a few minutes jotting down everything that I want and need to get done and then I prioritize them. If my list is really long, I'll divvy the tasks up into different days. If it is on the shorter side, I like to number them in the order that I plan to accomplish them. This helps me know exactly what I need to do in that moment. 

Foot Soak or Taking a Bath: There is just something about soaking in hot water that calms me down. It is something I look forward to most nights before bed, especially in the winter months. I pair my soak with a good novel, my Bible, or praying. Colton and I will also occasionally soak our feet together and do a Bible study from The Bible App.  

Physical Exercise: I am currently really enjoying finding Barre workouts on YouTube. I really love running, but with my recent knee injury, I've opted for something with lower impact. Here's a favorite Barre3 workout of mine. I hope you'll give it a try! 

Breathing Exercises: Make sure you are belly breathing, meaning your belly is moving out when you inhale instead of your shoulders moving up. It helps to lay down and breathe if this is a new concept for you. One common breathing exercise that I do is breathing in for 4 counts and then breathing out for 4 counts. You can also add a 4 count hold at the top of the inhale and at the bottom of the exhale.  

Acupuncture: I can't say enough good things about how acupuncture has helped me. Aside from my anxiety being lessened since receiving this treatment, my headaches are nearly gone, my period cramps have ceased (I would get horrible cramps the first day of my period), and my flow is lighter. Also, your insurance may help pay for this treatment! If you're in the Portland area, check out All Ways Well LLC. 

Therapy: Talking with a third party really helps me process my feelings and develop concrete steps that I can take to move forward. If you're in Utah, my very first therapist was Jessica Allred and she is incredible! If you're in Portland, I'd recommend Family Ties Counseling

Medication: This was my lifesaver when I first was diagnosed with anxiety. Talk to you doctor about the pros and cons of taking this if you think it could help.  

Anxiety Toolbox | Ashley Groves | Life with the Groves | lifewiththegroves.com

Comment below what you have included or plan to include after reading this post in your own anxiety toolbox! I'd love for all of us to be able to gather fresh new tools that we can use!

XO Ashley Groves.png
The Groves Family 2015

The Groves Family 2015

Jericho's 1st Birthday

Jericho's 1st Birthday