Sophia's 8 Month Update
Sophia Girl,
I know I say this every month, but I love watching you grow. This month you have become so mobile and it is amazing watching your daily progress towards crawling. I’m definitely okay if you don't crawl for a while, but seeing you constantly roll over and rotate in circles makes me excited. You’re starting to get frustrated when you realize that you can’t go forward to reach something. It amazes me every day that God designed you to grow little by little. Your daddy and I are also growing and learning little by little. We weren’t thrown in to toddlerhood, but are being eased in with you right alongside us.
You still love feeling different textures, especially touch-and-feel books and our skin. Your favorite is to touch daddy’s arms and legs and pull his hairs (he he). You’ve discovered your own hair and your ears. We are finding little scabs on your head from where your sharp nails have explored. You think it is the funniest thing to touch my tongue and you have an unhealthy obsession with my necklace; you’re always grabbing it. When someone else is holding you and you start to get upset, you look around for me and are instantly calmed when I come get you. It is sad to see you cry but it makes me feel so special. I also love that you’ve started reaching out to me when we are playing. It’s as if you’re checking to make sure I’m still there beside you; a gentle touch on my leg makes my heart melt.
Leap 6 began the last week of your 7th month and it has been challenging. You’re squealing and screaming, more fussy and clingy. It helps to remember that you’re acting this way because your brain is developing. It must be so confusing for you to go through these leaps and not understand what your body is doing. It makes me want to snuggle you all the more and remind you that mama and dada are there for you.
I want to start doing “Fun Fridays” with you, where you and I go outside of the house and do something fun. This pandemic is making it difficult to do a variety of things (pools and libraries are closed), but I’m trying to be creative. Our first Fun Friday we went to Starbucks for the obligatory Pumpkin Spice Latte and then spent some time at the park. You loved swinging, listening to the birds chirp, and watching the cars drive by. Oh and trying to eat the grass. ;)
This month you took your first solo bath and spent some time playing in the tub. You also bathed outside on the porch. Kicking your legs in the water is so much fun for you. You are now VERY interested in Jericho and he is also warming up to you. When he walks past, you like to watch him; when he is laying down you like to pet (aggressively grab) his fur. It is so sweet seeing your relationship with him develop. Pretty soon you’ll be crawling after him wherever he goes.
Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is still going strong. We are starting to see some of the fruits of our labor as you’re making less of a mess on the floor and becoming more intentional with grabbing food. You’ve discovered that a lot of food falls in your bib, so you like to reach in there for more. Some of the new foods you’ve tried include: ribs, mango, butternut squash, raspberries, refried beans, spaghetti squash,, and pureed cheesy potatoes and pork. There hasn’t been a single food that you’ve completely refused.
It is completely normal to not see a whole lot of progress with BLW, one month in, but it is still discouraging. I know you are swallowing little bits here and there, but it still feels like we are preparing and throwing away a lot of food. This mama is feeling some burnout, but thankfully the Lord refreshes my soul when I’m feeling low. The foods with juices (meat, fruit, veggies) seem to be the biggest hit because you can actually get some of the flavor out without having to chew it or swallow it.
We have been trying to rearrange your naps and drop one of your milk feedings, but it has been a much slower transition than we anticipated. Ideally, I’d love for you to take 2 naps a day 1.5-2 hours each, but you really love taking a short 45 minutes - 1 hour nap 3 times a day. I think the transition might happen once you’re consuming more solid foods, but we are still going to keep trying. Towards the end of the month you’ve started taking 2 taking longer naps, so hopefully we’re on the right track.
We may have had some false alarms with teething, but this is really it. We can now feel your bottom teeth popping up. Every day I check the progress.. :P I wonder what you’ll look like with itty bitty baby teeth.
On your first day of being 7 months old, we took another plane ride to Utah, and this time daddy joined us! You were able to spend more time with family and meet some more of our Utah friends, including: Rachel and Neil; Mat and Franzi and kids (not pictured); and re-meet Linda Sue.
Taylor, your Cousin / Auntie / Who knows what?
Rachel and Neil
Linda Sue
We also celebrated mommy’s birthday with chocolate oreo cheesecake (oh my gosh!) and Grandma Penny’s birthday with frosted brownies. We can’t wait to give you some cake when you turn 1 in a few short months.
After a few days in Utah, Grandma Penny, you, and I flew to see your Great Grandma Joyce in Rhinelander, WI. When we landed in Minneapolis, MN, we started rushing towards our next gate as we didn’t have a long layover. We thought that the stroller and car seat would be checked to our final destination so we didn’t wait for those items. We found out we were wrong when they made an announcement for the whole airport to hear, saying someone left a car seat and stroller at their gate. So embarrassing, but it was nice to push you around instead of having to carry you. You’re getting heavy!
You rode on two planes that day and by the time we arrived at our hotel, we were all exhausted. It was so helpful having Grandma Penny with us on the airplane. She played with you and let me get a little break.
With Great Grandma, we played cards (hand and foot), went out to eat, shopped at Kohls, and played in the grass.
We also took you swimming for the first time (I think you liked it). Great Grandma Joyce says that you are the love of her life!
Your sleep while in Rhinelander was kind of a nightmare. We were on the go a lot, so you had quite a few short carseat naps and you did not want to go to bed at night. I joke that you have FOMO because you always want to be doing whatever the adults are doing, regardless of how tired you are. I felt so bad for our hotel neighbors as they could probably hear your loud, whiny, cry. Again, we thought you were teething as when you ate some solid foods you would randomly freak out. That night, at the hotel, I think I tried to put you to bed 3 or 4 different times and you weren’t having it. You were so fussy, you finally slept in bed with me for a few hours, and I was eventually successful at transferring you to your crib. Next time we do more than an hour time change, I will plan out how to transition you to the new time zone and be more consistent with your bedtime routine, to hopefully avoid a repeat of this trip.
You really liked mommy’s cousin Brandon and his girlfriend Dana. They spoiled you with snuggles and gifts. We love them!
Dana’s family owns a pontoon boat and took us on a ride around the lake. You really enjoyed yourself. Whenever there is a dog around, you welcome the kisses. ;)
Towards the end of our trip, Great Grandma Joyce had a bit of a health scare so you and I got the hotel room all to ourselves. Too bad that was the night you were extra cranky, but on the bright side, we got lots of snuggles and Great Grandma is okay.
You met a lot of friends and family, including: Karen S. (Brandon’s Grandma), Wilma (Great Grandma’s Friend), and Faith (my Aunt / Brandon’s Mom). Everybody loved being able to meet you. We had a lovely trip and can’t wait to see everybody again next year!
You are mommy’s (and daddy’s) forever coffee date, as evidenced by a mommy / baby coffee date with Laura and Willa; and a daddy / baby coffee date with Ski and Eliana. You also are our third wheel when all of us go.
You are the newest employee at Groves Inc. eBay! Daddy and I are being more intentional about our eBay business so we can make progress on saving for a house. The only thing you currently help with is walking to the drop box, but maybe one of these days you’ll be employee of the month. ;)
Daddy and I started doing 1-2 workouts together a week and it has been a great way to stay motivated. Sometimes you are awake to watch us. I hope you’ll always see us taking care of our bodies and want to join in someday too.
To finish off the month, over Labor Day Weekend, we went to Hood River for a day to “get out of town” and also attended a #letusworship event on the Vancouver, WA waterfront. It was incredible seeing what God is doing in the hearts of believer’s all over, despite our current world circumstances; people were healed; people were baptized; and we all sang songs of praise to the Creator of the Universe.
Sophia, you continue to be a bright spot in this dark world and you remind us that God cares for us and that he has the whole world in his hands. Keep shining bright!
mom and dad