Sophia's 5 Year Update
Before we left Utah to go back home, we had a small birthday celebration for Sophia’s 4th birthday. We ate homemade mac and cheese and had Crumbl Cookies for dessert.
For Christmas you got a new baby doll and you named her Lucy. Most of your stuffies are named Charlie (after your best friend) or Lucy. For your birthday we got you a baby carrier, so now you can carry Lucy around like I carry Noah. You were so thrilled!
We are still trying to get you to use the potty by yourself at nighttime, but it hasn’t worked yet. Fortunately, most nights, you don’t wake up to go.
We are having lots of fun showing you how to play board games. We played “High Ho Cherry O” at Grandma Karen’s and taught you how to play :”Candyland”. You’re also having a lot of fun with the “Lite Brite.” I have such good memories of Grandpa Jim always playing games with me as a kid and I want you to have those memories too!
Oregon had its annual snow and ice storm, but this year it was much worse. You and Noah both stayed home from school all week and our car was stuck in our driveway, despite trying to use chains. Working with both of you home was challenging, but it was also fun having you two around. Too bad we couldn’t have gone anywhere fun, since we had the time. ;)
We did venture out a few times in the bike trailer. Poppie invited you for two play dates and walking was the safest option. One of the times we decided to take a different route home and we had the hardest time getting the trailer up the icy hill. Sadly, it ended up breaking the front wheel (which we later found out is $90 to replace). You were so concerned that we weren’t going to make it home. You said, “I wanted to see Jericho again!”
On one of the milder days, your friend from school, Juniper, came over for a short playdate. It was so nice seeing another human being and for me to get to know her mom a bit better.
Preschool had their annual Donuts with Dad event.
We had our annual Peach study visit, where they monitored your brain waves and heart. For the blood draw, you said the needle didn’t even hurt. You’re so brave!
On January 25th, Daddy and I went on a dinner/drinks date, which means, Jalaya babysat you and Noah. You guys ate dinner together and then made snowflake crafts.
We like to play “pretend I’m not real.” You will say that and then hold really still. I’ll push your nose or tickle you and you’ll do something funny like dancing or singing. Then we switch.
Love singing Frozen songs, especially belting them out in the car. You’re such a good singer! Your two favorites are “Let It Go” and “Do You Want to Build a Snowman.”
Tio Max had a sleepover on January 27th and we ate popcorn and watched the Super Mario movie. You really liked Princess Peach.
January 28th, we celebrated your birthday with some of our Oregon friends. We had a princes themed party and all the kids got to decorate princess / prince crowns. The decorating didn’t last long before you all just wanted to play in your room. It was noisy, but the best kind of noise.
You still loves playing night night; are really interested in money coins and sorting them; you love listing to the “Go To Sleep” lullaby; and you often want us to sleep with certain stuffies each night (we are so honored).
We planned to go to the Pankos’ home for Super Bowl Sunday (partially to make up for missing Thanksgiving due to sickness), but unfortunately, they got sick and so did we. We hung out at home and you and I took a short neighborhood walk.
Every day leading up to Valentine’s Day, Daddy and I wrote on hearts things we love about yiou and Noah. We placed them on yiour door as a decoration. We hope to save these so when you’re older we can look back and see all the wonderful things we love about you.
For Valentine’s Day, you had a party at preschool. For dinner, Nana Chris and Papa Roger came over for pizza. We got you and Noah some muffin mix, a specia drink, a chocolate treat, and new pajamas.
When the weather is decent, I’m trying to get us outside more often. So far we’ve gone to the park a few times; I biked you to school and Noah to daycare; and you are enjoying riding your little bike around theneighborhood.
At preschool your teacher chose you to receive the Loyalty award for that month. You were honored in chapel and the whole school sang “Hey preschool, hey preschool; we’re so proud of you; Hey preschool, hey preschool; a royal cheer for you!” as you went up on stage. We are so proud of you!
Daddy took you to the movies for the very first time and saw the new Willy Wonka movie. You ate candy, popcorn, and had a great time.
We went to the Home Depot Kids Workshop for the first time where you assembled and painted a butterfly house.
Grandpa Danny came to visit the first week of March and we had a blast. We visited the Portland Art Museum, had a Domino’s pizza party with ice cream……MORE HERE.
At the end of February, you decided you wanted to sleep in a box on the floor. It was comical seeing you squish yourself in the for the entire night. Next you wanted to sleep in the box on your bed, plus have another box on your bed, which is the treehouse. This lasted about a week before you decided to sleep on your bed again. The box has now become a “car” for your things and the treehouse is also a “car,” but has a small carseat with straps for Bunny and Lucy.
For St. Patrick’s Day, we had green waffles to celebrate and our Utah friend, Matt, came over for dinner.
We had Poppie over for dinner one night and she loved the roasted broccoli I made. Since she had some, you wanted some also, and ate it! A few days later you actually asked for broccoli. I guess all it took was seeing a friend eat it for you to change your mind about it. You’ve also asked me twice if you could try spinach. What!?
The Friday before Spring Break,it was GRASP (Grandparents Really Are Special People) at your school. Since none of your grandparents were in town, Auntie Beth came as your special person for Grandparent’s Day at preschool.
On 3/22, we packed the car, picked you up from school, and left Oregon for our Spring Break Road Trip to Utah. It was a long drive, but we broke it up by spending the night in Boise. We got to see Daddy’s friend Chris for breakfast and then finished the journey to Grandma and Grandpa Groves’ house.
You and Noah attended “Grandpa Daycare” while Daddy and I worked. Unfortunately, you caught whatever Noah got before we left, so you were sick almost the entire trip. We spent a lot of time snugging, watching movies, and taking Shelby’s dogs on walks. It was so sad seeing you sick. You didn’t want to do much of anything, including the Easter egg hunt.
One of the best parts of our trip was getting to spend so much time with Auntie Shelby and the dogs! She was such a great substitute snuggler, when I had to go back to work.
Grandma Karen made cute Easter baskets for the both of you with crafts, chalk, and lots of candy. When you were feeling up to playing, we did some chalk on the sidwalk, read books, and ate lots of the candy. On Easter Day, after church, Grammy and Grandpa Kittelsrud drove up for Easter Lunch and a quick visit. We love when we get to celebrate holidays with our families.
We were hoping that Grammy Penny or Grandma Karen would be able to drive back to Oregon with us, but it didn’t work out. Thankfully, they both have trips to visit already planned.
April 1st, we left Grandma and Grandpa’s house to head back to Oregon. We made a quick stop at the Twin Falls Waterfalls. It was so beautiful!
Max had his birthday party and we got to swim. I don’t think you had been swimming since August 2023, so this felt special. We all thoroughly enjoyed the hot tub!
April 19th Grammy Penny arrived for her visit and we had a fully packed schedule. We started with a Domino’s Pizza Party and movie. Then, on Sunday, we had a girl’s afternoon and took you to see The Little Mermaid play by Portland Christian. You were so enthralled with the characters and kept asking when Ariel was going to come back on stage. You got antsy after about 2 hours, but you did so well!
During the school week, Grammy and I both worked, but we made time for some fun. Grammy did most of your school drop offs and pickups, spent time taking you to the park, and enjoyed lots of time outside.
We went to your annual art show where the preschool classes explored finger painting. Look how much you’ve grown in a year!
We had a family date to Play Forest, which is a kid’s play place with all sorts of open-ended play toys. They even had an outdoor section with water play and lots of sand. This inspired me to create a kid’s play zone in our side yard. We’ve got the sandbox and now have an outdoor mud kitchen.
Our last hurrah with Grammy was eating Chick-Fil-A and playing in the play place. You and Noah even made a sweet friend.
You often ask if when you’re grown up you can have a bunk bed. You want to sleep on the top bunk and put all your stuffies on the bottom bunk where Noah can also play. You also want a blanket like your pink flower one, but without the hearts; and a pink shopping cart.
You’re very into potty talk. “I’m going to poop on you.” “There’s poo poo in your eyeball.” We aren’t fans of this phase.
You can say numbers 1-7 in Spanish and a few colors in Spanish.
The other day you drew the number 4 and said to me, “I drew a quatro.”
You’ve gotten so good at coloring in the lines and are always bringing multiple coloring pages home each day.
Preschool took their annual field trip to the fire station and I got to chaperone.
We attended our second Mother’s Day Tea at preschool and enjoyed food, coloring, and planting a flower in a flowerpot you hand-painted.
While holding my Mother’s Day card, you told me it says “Thank you for helping me put all my things in my basket. I want you to play with me and do everything I want. I love that you always sit next to me. Over. It’s over.”
We planted a lot of flower seeds in the front yard and it has been so fun watching them grow.
You’re beginning to grasp the concept of cause and effect. One night you didn't eat dinner because you were going to eat a lot of candy later and dinner would make you too full. Another real-life example is that you recognize that when you do one activity (like goofing off when you’re supposed to brush your teeth), it means we don’t have as much time for other activities, like reading a bedtime story. You’ll say “you’re wasting my time.”
We started on our summer bucket list, by hitting up a few local Portland places. We have this book called, “Larry gets lost in Portland” and we thought it would be fun to visit some of the same places. First on our list was Powell’s bookstore, Wailua Shave Ice, and Shake Shack.
Next on our bucket list was going to the Beach! You both loved the water and the sand.
You and Noah both got sick so we missed your end-of-year Preschool program. I was so sad, but we made sure to get a photo with your teacher when you felt better.
“Don’t kiss me for real. It will make my lips much more dry.”
“It’s taking a long time to get to heaven.”
Current favorite colors: light blue, pink, rainbow, and golden.
We made some more progress on our summer bucket list. This time, we visited the Portland Dog Bowl (which was actually removed, sadly); stood next to the giant mama and baby elephant statue; and had a picnic on the waterfront.
One of your very first friends, Nyla, came over for a playdate. It’s been so fun seeing you two grow up together.
June 15th, we flew to Minneapolis and then drove to visit Great Grandma Joyce in Wisconsin. We celebrated Father’s Day; went to the park; walked around the lake; visited with Grandma Joyce, Brandon, and Dana; ate Mexican food; visited the Children’s museum; did lots of crafts; saw the giant Hodag statue; and played in the sand at the lake. It was a great trip!
Thankfully, this was the best you’ve ever slept while on our Wisconsin trips. Your first trip, at eight months, you were going through a regression. Your second trip at 19 months, we suspected another regression. Grammy Penny and I had to take turns sleeping with you on the couch because you would not stop crying unless we were with you. The third trip, when you were just over two years old, you slept fairly decent, but still needed check-ins. What made it more challenging was that I was seven months pregnant. This trip, aside from you not falling asleep easily at night and needing check-ins, you slept well overall. FINALLY!
A few days after we returned from Wisconsin, I left for a work trip in Boston, MA and Grandma Karen came to Portland to help Daddy care for you and Noah. Grandma Karen kept you out of school one day so you and her could have some special time. You played with stickers and baked chocolate chip cookies.
While in Wisconsin, we switched your carseat to forward facing and you love it!
You are often pointing out letters and numbers that you see. My favorite is when you tell me what time it is in the car. I taught you what AM and PM mean. You also love to count different things wherever you go.
You’re really in to ants, butterflies, and ladybugs You even found a dead ladybug in Wisconsin, gave it some flowers as food, made sure it had water, and put it in a safe space for the flight back to Oregon.
The first week of July was Noah’s summer break, so we went to the zoo with Nyla and Luca.
We spent the 4th of July at The Panko’s house, checking out all Dove’s toys and playing at the park.
The flowers we planted a few months ago are starting to bloom. We did sunflowers and some seed mixtures that are supposed to be good for bees and butterflys. We are all so excited to see the butterflies and ladybugs visit our flowers (the giant spiders, we aren’t so thrilled out).
You were able to take swimming lessons at the local community center the first two weeks of July (cross that off the bucket list!). You absolutely LOVED going and were excited to learn new skills. Another thing you loved was taking your own warm shower afterwards. In addition to those lessons, you also took a few lessons at your friend Charlie’s swimming pool and have gotten really good at jumping in (wearing a life jacket). Noah, mommy and daddy got to swim afterwards too!
We noticed that it has been taking you over an hour to fall asleep at bedtime, so know that you’re getting too much sleep. We started not making you take a nap on the weekends and now you fall asleep instantly at bedtime. Unfortunately, you still have to take a nap at preschool, so we can’t fully transition away from naps.
Our old babysitter moved away so this month we tried a new one and we loved her. She even cleaned up the house and did dishes!
We’ve done a lot of berry picking this month; marionberries at a farm and blackberries in our neighborhood. Yummy!
Noah turned 2 on the 20th and we celebrated by going to a “touch a truck” event, playing outside in the water, eating cake, and the next day going to the splash pad and park.
Started a little chore chart where you put your shoes on the shelf, empty your backpack, and hang your backup up. When I ask what things you are supposed to do, you often say, “I already know what to do!”
Grandma and Grandpa Groves visited so I could take Daddy on a surprise weekend trip to (belatedly) celebrate our anniversary and his birthday. You and Noah had a great time having Grandma and Grandpa to yourselves for the weekend.
Daddy turned 32 and you sang to him and helped him blow out the candles!
We continued the birthday celebrations by celebrating Mommy’s birthday! Grandma Karen made a cheesecake and Mommy’s friends took her out to dinner. As a family, we enjoyed fruit ice cream on the actual day of birth.
Daddy, Grandma, and I took you on a Sophia-only date to Black Bear Diner for breakfast and then we picked up Noah and went to the mall to ride the carousel.
In our quest to raise you into a kind and responsible human, we’ve started giving you a little bit more responsibility. You’re now able to put sunscreen on your face every morning and love to clean up the bath toys and non-slip mat, without wanting any assistance. I was also surprised that you are mostly able to clean up a spill with the vacuum mop all by yourself. WAY TO GO!
You had your annual dentist appointment and this was your first time getting your teeth cleaned and not just briefly looked at.They gave you a goodie bag with a toothbrusth, toothpaste, some prizes, and a small mirror to look at teeth with. You’ve loved playing dentist with Daddy, Noah, and I. Before the dentist, we had some playtime and drank Boba drinks together.
We had two more swimming lessons at Charlie’s house and it has been so fun to see your best friend multiple times this summer. I’m excited to see you continue to grow your water skills.
The end of August, you get a one-week summer break and packed it full of fun. We had a mommy + Sophia date to get manicures and pedicures; went to Oaks Amusement Park with your friend Juniper; played at Wippersnappers with Dove; had a final swim lesson and BBQ with Charlie; and spent lots of time together at home. It was a magical week for the both of us!
We finally purchased a new microwave (went without for a few months) and making food for you and Noah is so much quicker, especially in the mornings.
September 3rd was your last first day of Preschool! You have the same teacher as the last two years (Ms. Karen), but she is now teaching a pre-k specific class, meaning, everyone in your class is going into kindergarten next year. The goal is for this class to be a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and the structure will look a little bit different.
We attended two birthday parties this month for two of your school friends. One was at Kids Empire and the other at Sky Zone. You played so much you were bruised and you definitely slept good those nights.
I took you on a mommy-daughter date to get Boba drinks and walk around the pet store. You especially loved the colorful poop bags and bag holders. Since you loved the pet store so much, you wanted to go with me to Jericho’s vet appointment. You were a great helper!
We started potty training Noah! He has been watching you and knows what to do because of you! The progress is slow, but we can’t wait to have both of you out of diapers!
Grandpa Danny came for a surprise visit to watch you run at your school’s Jog-a-thon. Despite you having a cough, you ran 14 laps (just shy of 1 mile); 3 more than last year! Way to go!
Grandpa Danny always spoils you and gives you his spare change. This time you got “long money” as you call them (dollar bills). We took you to Walmart and let you pick out $20 worth of toys. It was so fun to see everything you wanted to get and then change your mind when you found something else.
October began the fall festivities.
Grammy Penny’s came for a visit and to babysit you and Noah while Daddy and I went to our cousin’s wedding in Georgia. Before we left, we took Grammy to our favorite Boba place. At the last minute, you decided that Daddy and Noah could come with. Then we walked around the pet store and showed Grammy all the cool things.
While we were gone, you had lots of park time; a pizza party; and Auntie Grandma Sue came to visit and help Grammy babysit.
Daddy and I really enjoyed our time away and not having any parental responsibilities, but we sure missed seeing you and Noah get to meet and play with your cousins.
Preschool had a dress-up day at school and you chose to go as Anna from Frozen. Your best friend, Charlie, was Elsa. You two make the cutest pair!
Daddy chaperoned your annual preschool pumpkin patch field trip and you got to ride on the school bus with Jordynn and Lennox.
As is our annual tradition, we picked out pumpkins, washed them, and then painted them. You chose rainbow colors and Noah used mostly black. Daddy painted Minnie Mouse and I painted Mickey Mouse in honor of you and Noah loving Minnie and Mickey.
You are getting better at counting and can almost count to 50 (with a little help)! You understand and can make color patterns. You’re so close to fully being able to write your name; the letters are all there, they’re just in mixed up order. :P
The library near our house finally re-opened and you and Noah got your faces painted. You chose a princess and Noah chose a tiger.
We are working hard on teaching you and Noah to use words to say how you feel instead of lashing out in anger. You both like to antagonize each other, so we are getting a lot of good practice.
Great Grandma Joyce passed away and we are so sad, but so happy that she is with Jesus now. We are grateful that we got to spend time wth her this summer.
I had the privilege of volunteering in your class for your Harvest Party. Everyone brought a family favorite dish to share; we played with legos; and colored a thankful craft.
We started taking night walks, since it isn’t light anymore after dinner. You and Noah love holding the umbrellas and seeing Daddy’s cool flashlight.
We celebrated Friendsgiving Birthdays this month. We are so grateful for our friends and all of their children.
You love building forts over your crib.
You and Noah LOVE feeding Jericho in the mornings. Your favorite thing to do is try and coax him to eat his food in your bedroom.
Grandma Karen came to visit. It is so nice that she is reitred now and can visit whenever she wants. We went on walks, read books, watched movies, and played…a lot. She got to help us decorate our Christmas tree too!
Tio Max came over for Thanksgiving. He introduced you and Noah to SnapChat filters and you couldn’t get enough. The bald filter was one of my favorites.
We celebrated our Oregon Christmas on 11/30. You and Noah are at the perfect age for all of the Christmas magic and it was so special watching you light up at the gifts you received. Your favorite gift was makeup and headphones. Noah's favorite was Lightening McQueen and Mater car was Duplo Legos.
That evening we had Charlie's family over to watch Polar Express. Each kid had their own train car to sit in, but you and Charlie wanted to sit in one together.
You and I went on a mommy daughter date to try out roller skating. It was hard at first, but we both got a tiny bit better by the end. Afterwards, we ate at McDonald’s. Yum!
You had another febrile seizure, with your fever up to 104 degrees. The ER doctor concluded that you had an ear infection; your very first one. We weren’t thrilled, but gave you antibiotics, which later caused a very itchy rash. No fun!
While we were waiting in the ER, Grandpa Danny was on the airplane to come and visit us. It is become tradition that he visits right before Christmastime. We took him to see the boat parade and drank hot chocolate.
Unfortunately, Grandpa got sick and Noah had a fever, so neither of them could attend your Christmas Program, but Daddy and I saw you sing and were so proud of you!
Last year, Grandpa took you home early and surprised Grandma, so this year we decided to swap! Grandpa took Noah to Utah and surprised Grandma. We got a few special days with you all to ourselves and then we drove to Utah. You loved having Jericho in the car with us.
We drove down to Grammy Penny’s and Grandpa Jim’s house first and spent a week with them. We got into a good routine where Grammy would take you and Noah to church in the mornings for playtime, while Daddy and I worked. We’d then eat lunch and while Noah napped and you had quiet time, Daddy and I were able to finish up our work.
In the evenings, we played a lot; watched a Christmas movie; walked through some Christmas light displays; celebrated Payson’s 9th birthday with bowling; played with Claira, Payson, and Emersyn; and babysat Nala, the dog.
Noah was obsessed with the cars and shopping cart toys and you were obsessed with all the colorful ponytails and hair clips.
We celebrated our Christmas with Grammy and Grandpa and your big gift from them was a Yoto Player. We are so excited to have this for the drive home and for you to use during quiet time.
We spent the rest of our time with Grandma Karen, Grandpa Danny, and Great Grandma Barbara. Christmas was wonderful, as usual. Your favorite toy was a baby crib and Noah’s favorite was a giant trash truck with three little trash cans. Christmas is so magical with you and Noah
We decorated gingerbread houses; made paper bag snowflakes; visited The Acquarium and lights; toured the Mrs. Cavanaugh’s Choclate Factory; and watched lots of Christmas movies.
You haven’t been sleeping well (up 20+ times for multiple hours), so we moved you downstairs next to us and this has seemed to help tremendously.
You’re starting to understand finger math. You held up three fingers on each hand and said 3 + 3 is 6.
Your letter recognition has grown and you’ve been working really hard on spelling your name. I love seeing that you wrote your name on the worksheets you bring home.